Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ Fractography in Failure Analysis of Polymers (Plastics Design Library) by Michael Hayes, Dale Edwards, Andy Shah

Fractography in Failure Analysis of Polymers (Plastics Design Library) by Michael Hayes, Dale Edwards, Andy Shah

Fractography in Failure Analysis of Polymers (Plastics Design Library)

Fractography in Failure Analysis of Polymers (Plastics Design Library) by Michael Hayes, Dale Edwards, Andy Shah PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Fractography in Failure Analysis of Polymers provides a practical guide to the science of fractography and its application in the failure analysis of plastic components. In addition to a brief background on the theory of fractography, the authors discuss the various fractographic tools and techniques used to identify key fracture characteristics.

Case studies are included for a wide range of polymer types, applications, and failure modes, as well as best practice guidelines enabling engineers to apply these lessons to their own work. Detailed images and their appropriate context are presented for reference in failure investigations.

This text is vital for engineers who must determine the root causes of failure when it occurs, helping them further study the ramifications of product liability claims, environmental concerns, and brand image.

  • Presents a comprehensive guide to applied fractography, enabling improved reliability and longevity of plastic parts and products
  • Includes case studies that demonstrate material selection decisions and how to reduce failure rates
  • Provides best practices on how to analyze the cause of material failures, along with guidelines on improving design and manufacturing decisions

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Fractography in Failure Analysis of Polymers (Plastics Design Library) by Michael Hayes, Dale Edwards, Andy Shah EPub

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