Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ The 2011 Pfeiffer Annual: Training by Elaine Biech

The 2011 Pfeiffer Annual: Training by Elaine Biech

The 2011 Pfeiffer Annual: Training

The 2011 Pfeiffer Annual: Training by Elaine Biech PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Leader in Resources for Training & HR Professionals for the Past Four Decades

Organizations that thrive in today's competitive marketplace are those that make a firm commitment to training and development. And successful trainers stay at the top of their profession by accessing the most recent and important information, tools, and resources in the field.

The 2011 Pfeiffer Training Annual offers a hands-on guide to the latest thinking and recent approaches to training and development. This year's Annual presents a "organizational dynamics" theme. The contributors address the many factors that affect how well the people and process react when brought together and how they function as a singular entity to accomplish a task.

The Annual is divided into four sections: Experiential Learning Activities (ELAs); Editor's Choice; Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys; and Articles and Discussion Resources. The fourth section, Editor's Choice, includes cutting edge material to help trainers stay on top of the key trends in the field.

ELAs are the mainstay of the Annual. The activities are presented as complete and ready-to-use training designs. You'll find ELAs from top training leaders: Kris Downing, Joanne Sujansky and Jan Ferri-Reed.

The instrument section introduces reliable survey and assessment tools for gathering and sharing data on aspects of change and leadership best practices.

The articles section presents the best current thinking about training. Use these for your own professional development or as a lecture resource within your trainings. Must-haves in this section include articles by Leonard D. Goodstein and Eric P. Prien as well as Prakash K. Nair and Toby M. Egan that address the organizational dynamics theme. The depth and breadth of available resources—new content is added to the Annual each year—ensures a steady stream of contemporary knowledge and tools. Use the Annual to keep on top of developments within the training and HR profession, dip into the content for an activity or instrument that targets a specific performance problem, combine activities to create an entire development program, or learn how others in the profession are tackling the ever-increasing challenges of building and developing a capable and productive workforce.

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