Jumat, 18 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ The Loser List #2: Revenge of the Loser by H.N. Kowitt

The Loser List #2: Revenge of the Loser by H.N. Kowitt

The Loser List #2: Revenge of the Loser

The Loser List #2: Revenge of the Loser by H.N. Kowitt PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Danny Shine is off THE LOSER LIST -- and out for REVENGE.

Danny Shine might have gotten his name off the Loser List in the girls' bathroom, but he's still got problems -- like the new kid, Ty Randall. Ty seems perfect: handsome, serious, committed to worthy causes -- everything Danny's not. Will out-of-control jealousy wreck Danny's life, or can he undo the damage before it's too late?

All the highs and lows of middle school are brought hilariously to life in this notebook-style novel, full of drawings, charts, and Danny's unique take on 7th grade.

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