Documentation for Rehabilitation (.Net Developers Series) by Lori Quinn, James Gordon
Documentation for Rehabilitation (.Net Developers Series) by Lori Quinn, James Gordon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Ensure confident clinical decisions and maximum reimbursement in a variety of practice settings such as acute care, outpatient, home care, and nursing homes with the only systematic approach to documentation for rehabilitation professionals! Revised and expanded, this hands-on textbook/workbook provides a unique framework for maintaining evidence of treatment progress and patient outcomes with a clear, logical progression. Extensive examples and exercises in each chapter reinforce concepts and encourage you to apply what you’ve learned to realistic practice scenarios.
- UNIQUE! Combination textbook/workbook format reinforces your understanding and tests your ability to apply concepts through practice exercises.
- UNIQUE! Systematic approach to documenting functional outcomes provides a practical framework for success in numerous practice settings.
- Case studies show you how to format goals through realistic client examples.
- Practice exercises provide valuable experience applying concepts to common clinical problems.
- Four NEW chapters address additional aspects of documentation that rehabilitation professionals will encounter in practice:
- Legal aspects of documentation
- Documentation in pediatrics
- Payment policy and coding
- Computerized documentation
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