Senin, 20 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ CHEM (Available Titles CourseMate) by Melvin Joesten, John L. Hogg, Donald R. Neu Donald R. Neu

CHEM (Available Titles CourseMate) by Melvin Joesten, John L. Hogg, Donald R. Neu Donald R. Neu

CHEM (Available Titles CourseMate)

CHEM (Available Titles CourseMate) by Melvin Joesten, John L. Hogg, Donald R. Neu Donald R. Neu PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

CHEM delivers exactly what today's students need --and want. Based on student and faculty feedback from nationwide interviews and focus groups, CHEM was developed through a "student-tested, faculty-approved" process. The result is a concise, engaging, and accessible textbook that presents the basic chemical principles faculty require within a framework of relevant, real world applications that liberal arts students can relate to. Delivered at a value price, CHEM accommodates the diverse lifestyles of today's learners, features a modern, open page design, and includes a wide array of print and online learning aids, including chapter-by-chapter study cards, self-quizzes, interactive flash cards, Go Chemistry and Thinkwell mini-video lectures, and online homework available through the OWL learning system.

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CHEM (Available Titles CourseMate) by Melvin Joesten, John L. Hogg, Donald R. Neu Donald R. Neu EPub

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