Author, Text and Reader in the Novels of Carlos Fuentes (Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures) by Kristine Ibsen
Author, Text and Reader in the Novels of Carlos Fuentes (Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures) by Kristine Ibsen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Author, Text and Reader in the Novels of Carlos Fuentes focuses on the problem of communication as one of the central preoccupations that remains consistent throughout the literary production of Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes. This preoccupation manifests itself at the discursive level of the author's fiction as he continually seeks different means of expression from novel to novel. Concentrating on four novels that illustrate this aesthetic, Cambio de piel (1967), Terra Nostra (1975), Una familia lejana (1980) and Cristóbal Nonato (1987), this study examines the means of textualization by which Fuentes activates his reader and how this coincides with his notions of the role of literature in society.From reader reviews:
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