Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Helping Men: A Psychoanalytic Approach by Felix Loeb, Loretta Loeb

Helping Men: A Psychoanalytic Approach by Felix Loeb, Loretta Loeb

Helping Men: A Psychoanalytic Approach

Helping Men: A Psychoanalytic Approach by Felix Loeb, Loretta Loeb PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The authors do not specialize in, nor seek, patients with sexually deviant behavior. Occasionally, however, such patients have sought and received psychoanalytic treatment from them. . . . As the authors worked with them on their current thought processes and their transference responses to them, the authors were able to help each patient become aware of, understand, and resolve their underlying unconscious sexual conflicts. During each treatment, the authors carefully avoided being influenced and biased by the psychiatric or psychoanalytic literature. Instead, they investigated psychoanalytically each of their patients’ unconscious minds to discover and help the patients to understand their individual and distinct psychodynamics. Through this approach, they corroborated many of Freud’s and his follower’s findings, and discovered new facets of their patients’ respective illnesses.

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