Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Journal Your Life's Journey: Galactic Space Sunrise, Lined Journal, 6 x 9, 100 Pages by Journal Your Life's Journey

Journal Your Life's Journey: Galactic Space Sunrise, Lined Journal, 6 x 9, 100 Pages by Journal Your Life's Journey

Journal Your Life's Journey: Galactic Space Sunrise, Lined Journal, 6 x 9, 100 Pages

Journal Your Life's Journey: Galactic Space Sunrise, Lined Journal, 6 x 9, 100 Pages by Journal Your Life's Journey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Are you harnessing the power of a journal?

If you are going through life right now feeling like everything is out of control or that things are not happening the way you planned, you need a journal. I don’t mean to be too direct, but it is time for you to discover why you feel the way you do and then figure out what to do about it.

Or you can just write stuff in it! The great thing about a lined journal is you can make it into anything you want. A day timer, travel journal, diary, notebook for school, etc. If you need to write something down, a journal is the tool you need.

If you want to use it for more than just a notepad then keep reading.

Benefits Of Keeping A Journal

Almost every successful person seems to have kept a journal in one form or another. Success in this case is not defined by money but overall happiness. Whether or not they called it journalingdoesn’tmatter as they kept a record of their goals, success, failures, feelings and their daily life.

Your journal contains the answers to your most burning questions. It is literally the best self-help book you could ever read because it is all about you. Just some of the benefits of journaling are:

  • Allows you to reflect on your life and the changes you are choosing to make or not make
  • Clarifies your thinking and as Tony Robbins says “Clarity is Power”
  • Houses all your million dollar ideas that normally get lost in all the noise of life
  • Exposes repeated patterns of behaviors that get you the results you DON’T want
  • Acts as a bucket for you to brain dump in – a cluttered mind leads to a disorganized life
  • Revisits daily situations giving you a chance to look at it with a different perspective
  • Doesn’t crash and lose everything you put into it like electronics (just like electronics though don’t get it wet)

You may want to keep multiple journals. One that contains your truest and most secret feelings that you guard heavily, but need a way to express. Another that contains all those fantastic ideas, dreams and awesome goals. Maybe just something you doodle in.

No matter how you use it getting into the daily habit of journaling has the potential to improve the quality of your life.

How To Use A journal

Let’s look past the simple fact you know how to physically write in a journal and dig into how to actually use your journal. It might contain all the secrets to life’s biggest problems but unless you know how to uncover those secrets they stay hidden away in your words.

  • Let the words flow from the heart and be filled with emotions, no holdbacks
  • Make a daily journaling schedule. Each and every day take the time to record your thoughts morning and night. If you love to type notes into your phone all day transfer them to your journal after.
  • Sit in a quiet spot and allow yourself to be judgement free. Your journal is not a reason to turn yourself into an emotional punching bag.
  • Start small. You do not need to write a specific number of words. Just the right amount of honest words that let you feel a sense of being free from negativity and energized with possibility.
  • If you write in your journal like someone is going to read it, you will ever allow yourself to fully express what needs to be expressed. Write like no one will ever read it because it is likely no one ever will unless you want them to. Write how you loved something, were mad at someone, wished something was different or anything you need to.

Just do it. Start today writing in your journal. You could even put “Today I bought this awesome journal and will recommend all my friends do the same.” Wink Wink

Scroll up and hit the add to cart button now.

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