Senin, 09 November 2015

PDF⋙ Microlaparoscopy



Microlaparoscopy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Advances in technique and instrumentation have led to the inception of the cutting-edge method known as microlaparoscopy. Traditional open procedures can now be performed through minimally invasive surgery while the patient is under local anesthesia with conscious sedation. Microlaparoscopy is an essential instructional guidebook for any gynecologist or general surgeon wishing to perform laparoscopic surgery today in a minimally invasive and cost-effective manner. This important book is a detailed construction of all aspects of microlaparoscopy, including diagnostic and operative procedures under local anesthesia. By serving as an instructional tool. Microlaparoscopy is invaluable to clinicians who have not yet performed microlaparoscopy and a key reference to those who are experienced with the procedure. Microlaparoscopy includes:
* The utility of minimally invasive techniques in conscious pain mapping
* Evaluation and treatment of infertility and assisted reproductive technology
* Historic concepts revisited to broaden the scope of understanding for the surgeon
* The distinction between operations appropriate for office surgery and those of greater surgical complexity
Microlaparoscopy presents meticulous detail on subjects ranging from basic equipment and instrument needs to analgesics, anesthetics, and safety precautions. Additionally, the author describes ways of providing compassionate patient care in pre-and post-op stages. An expert in the field and a pioneer of some of the techniques described. Dr. Almeida clearly explains the vital place of microlaparoscopy in modern gynecologic care.

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Microlaparoscopy Doc

Microlaparoscopy Mobipocket
Microlaparoscopy EPub

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