Classifying Flowering Plants (Classifying Living Things) by Francine Galko
Classifying Flowering Plants (Classifying Living Things) by Francine Galko PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What makes a flowering plant a flowering plant? How is a complete flower different from an incomplete flower? What is pollination? 'Classifying Flowering Plants' looks at the amazing class of beautiful plants. Find out how plants are grouped into orders and how each one is different from the rest. From bananas to bromeliads and oaks to magnolias, discover what makes flowering plants so special. Classifying Living Things investigates how and why we group animals. Each book focuses on a particular class of living things, looking at the key characteristics that set its members apart from those of other classes. Discover how classes of living things have evolved, and how species have adapted to suit their environments. Find out why certain plants may show some characteristics of a particular class but actually belong to another.From reader reviews:
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