Masterminding the Deal: Breakthroughs in M&A Strategy and Analysis by Peter Clark, Roger Mills
Masterminding the Deal: Breakthroughs in M&A Strategy and Analysis by Peter Clark, Roger Mills PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In Masterminding the Deal, Peter Clark and Roger Mills, both financial experts experienced in the M&A field, examine past mergers and analyze performance in two critical areas —the identification of critical characteristics and attributes separating more successful mergers from the rest, and the synergy benefits — expenses, revenues, tax — that ensure maximum rewards. From this analysis they draw some conclusions and go on to identify seven key principles for merger success.
“The main objective of this book is to clear away a vast amount of past deficient analysis and to retrieve and reorganize what is of value in evaluating merger success and failure, using tough-minded criteria implanted in current finance,” says Bill Weinstein in the foreword.
The authors offer an action plan for the boards and executives involved in acquisitions, covering the questions of central importance: which target types to pursue and which to avoid, when to act, how much to pay and, uniquely, how to determine whether the deal is successful. Their intention is to assist companies in the M&A process and to avoid merger underperformance.
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