30 Days of Advent Colouring Journal by Ms. Marilynn Dawson
30 Days of Advent Colouring Journal by Ms. Marilynn Dawson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
It is customary in many families and Churches to celebrate the season called Advent every December. This is a time of waiting, of expecting, of anticipation, and of preparation as we get ready for the big day! “30 Days of Advent Colouring Journal” not only offers a unique way to celebrate Advent with your family, it also incorporates another treasured past-time among various denominations and family groups: The Jesse Tree. The Jesse Tree introduces . . . the lives of various people who are featured in Jesus' earthly family tree. Images to be coloured on each day are taken from The Jesse Tree and in some way represent the person or subject being covered on that day. However, we aren't just reading and merely colouring our way through the Christmas season! Each day bears Scripture, thoughts, and a question to ponder. Opposite each colouring page, space is reserved for devotional thoughts as they come to you or a member of your family as you progress through the Christmas season. May this Advent colouring journal bless you and yours this Christmas!From reader reviews:
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